The People's Apothecary GardenPlant of the Week: Rose (Sept 30, 2024)Going into our 5th season of the People's Apothecary Garden (PAG), we will be showcasing one medicinal plant per week to take us through...
NewsThe Ripple - Sept 2024Albeit a quieter summer, ThINC hosted several events, including community science activities, gatherings at the People's Apothecary...
Nature HouseNature House Lite: Garden Gnome Treasure HuntSaturday, August 17th, 10:00 am - 11:00 am The People's Apothecary Garden (62 North Cove Rd) Please note the time change (10am start vs...
Nature HouseVoices for the Islands: Thirty Years of Nature Conservation on the Salish Sea - Book Launch with Sheila HarringtonSunday, August 18th at 2pm Location: Forbes Hall Community Centre, 292 North Cove Road Hear about Sheila’s inspiring sailing trips to...