Get Involved
Since its inception, the Thetis Island Nature Conservancy has received enormous support from Thetis Islanders and visitors in the form of donations of time and money to support programming, memberships, attendance at events and workshops, volunteer assistance with citizen science, trail building, and restorations, and in-kind support such as accommodation for summer students and guest speakers, equipment, and meal preparation for workshops to name only a few. The Nature House and our office at The Portal is generously provided in-kind by the Porter family. We have formed lasting mutually supportive relationships with multiple organizations. Please see a comprehensive list towards the bottom of this page.
A huge nature-sized thank you to all our supporters, volunteers, and participants.

Our Partners are:
Cowichan Community Land Trust
Islands Trust Conservancy
Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Biodiversity Reserve Institute
BC Community Bat Program
World Fisheries Trust
Jollity Farm
Thetis Island Elementary School
Thetis Island Volunteer Fire Department
Thetis Island Parents Association
Thetis Island Residents' and Ratepayers' Association
The Portal (the Porter Family)
SeaChange Marine Conservation Society
Our Supporters include:
Stewart Fund at the Vancouver Foundation
Thetis Island Community Fund
Sitka Foundation
The McLean Foundation
Gosling Foundation
Province of British Columbia
Government of Canada
We are Members of: