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Get Involved

Since its inception, the Thetis Island Nature Conservancy has received enormous support from Thetis Islanders and visitors in the form of donations of time and money to support programming, memberships, attendance at events and workshops, volunteer assistance with citizen science, trail building, and restorations, and in-kind support such as accommodation for summer students and guest speakers, equipment, and meal preparation for workshops to name only a few. The Nature House and our office at The Portal is generously provided in-kind by the Porter family. We have formed lasting mutually supportive relationships with multiple organizations. Please see a comprehensive list towards the bottom of this page.


A huge nature-sized thank you to all our supporters, volunteers, and participants.

Membership is a way of showing your support and helps you connect with other like-minded community members. Members elect our board of directors, and fees help support the range of stewardship and nature education activities ThINC is engaged in.


To renew your membership or become a new member, download this PDF form and mail it to:

PO Box 13-3, Thetis Island, V0R 2Y0

or email it to:


We are a volunteer organization and welcome you to join us and share your time, energy, and talents to help conserve nature and work toward food security on Thetis Island!


Some of our activities/programs include:

Nature House programs

People's Apothecary Garden

Community Bat program

Owl Box program

Shoreline monitoring/marine program

Nature Reserve maintenance

Nature Reserve warden

Restoration (invasive plant removal, etc)


If any of these sound like something you'd like to get involved in, please get in touch to learn more!


Your gift helps. From supporting ongoing community science initiatives to helping us provide nature education in the community, donations play a critical role.


If you wish to make a donation to help support us, you can do so through CanadaHelps (button below) or by sending us a cheque to PO Box 13-3, Thetis Island, BC V0R 2Y0.


Thank you for your donation!


Our Partners are:

Cowichan Community Land Trust

Islands Trust Conservancy

Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Biodiversity Reserve Institute 

BC Community Bat Program

World Fisheries Trust

Jollity Farm

Thetis Island Elementary School

Thetis Island Volunteer Fire Department

Thetis Island Parents Association

Thetis Island Residents' and Ratepayers' Association

The Portal (the Porter Family)

SeaChange Marine Conservation Society

Our Supporters include:

Stewart Fund at the Vancouver Foundation

Thetis Island Community Fund

Sitka Foundation

The McLean Foundation

Gosling Foundation

Province of British Columbia

Government of Canada

We are Members of:

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