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Charlotte Fesnoux

Project -Re- Generation Week 6: The Art of Observation

With only a couple more weeks to go, the students worked on wrapping up their projects. The bee house was decorated Tudor-style and more nooks and nesting tubes were created, so now residents will have a variety of spaces to park their young. Students working on the water flow management project (Team RG) continued shooting scenes for their perc test video (hence the very cool getups), made some amendments to their site map, and continued to consult and exchange information with the experts. Team RG also found that the permeable soils around the Pollinator Garden are quite shallow and that the dominant soil type consists primarily of Sandy Clay Loam - which has quite a low permeability rate (7.5 mm-12.55 mm / day!). Thus, Hugel here we come!

Our excursion this week was guided by Stephanie Cottell who shared her knowledge of plants, but more importantly, the art of observation. Rather than referring to a book or knowledge from another, we can learn so much just through observing. Observing is much more than just ‘looking’, but “involves the use of all senses, recognising similarities and differences between objects, observing patterns in objects and phenomena, identifying sequences and events in the world around, and interpreting observations” (Johnston, 2011).


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