Oh boy, it's really starting to get hot out there! Hopefully you're remaining cool and sheltered during this heat we're experiencing. With this week’s blog post, ThINCpod breaks from the norm and explores another form of media via soundscapes. Often in our media, the main emphasis is placed on our sight, so ThINCpod thought it would be interesting to experiment and remove this emphasis, focusing instead on a medium that emphasizes sound. So join us as we explore some of the many soundscapes that can be found on Jollity Farm.
The bee has received a lot of attention in the public discourse lately, and we felt it was important to capture the sound of the BEE-sy at work.
We’ve got some young chicks on the farm, listen closely, and you'll hear their very attentive mother hen.
The Boys, as we’ve come to call them, can be a great source of entertainment. Here they are trying to figure out if Connor is going to feed them.
The market day is an excellent example of the community that is cultivated here on Jollity.
The piggies have grown significantly in size and now sound like real pigs. Take care when recording them, because they’ll want to try a nibble!