Wednesday, July 19
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm drop-in
Harvest Hours at The PAG (all ages)
Location: The People’s Apothecary Garden, Lot 62
Drop-in any time between 2 - 4 pm to harvest and/or learn about the exciting world of medicinal plants.
Thursday, July 20
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm drop-in
Wild Creatives: Nature Crowns, Wands, & Wings (all ages)
Location: The Nature House at The Portal, 254 North Cove Road
Drop-in between 2 - 4pm on Thursday at the Nature House to make nature-inspired crowns, wands, and/or wings. Feel free to bring any flowers or plants that you or your kids might enjoy putting on their craft or simply show up and explore the area around the Nature House for nature artifacts that can be used for decoration!
6:30 pm start
ThINC Tank: Screening and Discussion: What's Happening to Our Forests? (youth, adults)
Location: The Nature House at The Portal, 254 North Cove Road
Are you curious or concerned about the state of our forests and trees? For this ThINC Tank, we will be screening a presentation and discussion from Transition Salt Spring and the Salt Spring Island Conservancy by British Columbia’s top scientific experts on trees, forest ecology, and the effects of climate change: Dr. Andy MacKinnon and Dr. Richard Hebda. In this, they explore Salt Spring's current condition and future forecast for forests and trees. Post screening, we will discuss how this applies to Thetis Island forest health.
Friday, July 21
10:00 am start
Young Naturalists: Magnificent Mosses!
Location: The Nature House at The Portal, 254 North Cove Road
There’s a tiny, wet and wonderful world at our feet - mosses! Mosses are like forests of their own. Learn about how mosses function, identify different kinds, and discover the amazing habitat they create for other species. We will also be learning how to propagate mosses for your garden and building moss terrariums together. Join us this Friday in the moist, magnificent, minute world of mosses.
2:00 pm start
Expert Excursions: A Model for Sustainable Living with Matthias & Jutta Zapletal
Location: 313 Forbes Road (please park along Margaret’s Lane or Forbes Rd. facing North Cove Rd.)
Since moving to Thetis in 2019, Matthias and Jutta Zapletal have been developing the space they call home - not in the traditional sense, but instead with an approach that seeks to work with the land, mimic natural processes, and utilize renewable energy resources in creative and inventive ways. From using the energy generated by decomposing organics to heat their home, to planting elephant grass and native willow to filter their water, and installing a magnificent geodesic dome - Matthias and Jutta's homestead is an inspirational model of what we can do to lead a more sustainable life. Join us this Friday at 2pm to learn about the various projects they have going, and be prepared to be inspired!
Saturday, July 22
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Seaquarium Drop-in
Location: The Nature House at The Portal, 254 North Cove Road
The Seaquarium is filling up! We have tons of new and fascinating critters in the aquarium. Come see if you can find all the camouflaged decorator crabs, (very gently) pet a sea cucumber, and find out what a clown nudibranch is, and if their jokes are really that funny. Drop in with your family, friends, or solo anytime from 2-4pm.
Sunday, July 23
10:00 am - 12:00 pm drop-in
Harvest Hours at The PAG (all ages)
Location: The People’s Apothecary Garden, Lot 62
Drop-in any time between 2 - 4 pm to harvest and/or learn about the exciting world of medicinal plants.
2:00 pm start
S4: Archaeology from Stream to Sea with Nicole Smith
Location: Forbes Hall
Come test your archaeological eye in this presentation by archaeologist and newly published author, Nicole Smith. Can you identify the many ways in which Indigenous peoples have shaped, managed and cared for local coastlines over thousands of years? From fish traps to clam gardens, hear how Western and First Nations scientists are learning from these places, and how archaeology may be useful in today’s changing world. Nicole will also read from her new book for young readers, Dig Deep: Connecting Archaeology, Oceans and Us.
